Trusting God’s Plan for My Life – It’s Simpler Than You Think

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Trusting God’s Plan for my life is hard! Trust me, I know.

Two months ago, I found myself face down on my bedroom floor, consumed by despair and grief. Tears streaming down my face as I cried out to God begging for his direction. My big brother had just died…. and suffice to say, feeling lost didn’t even begin to describe how I felt.

In that moment of despair, I cried out to God, desperate for guidance. What came next was as unexpected as it was life-changing.

“God, please tell me what I am to do! How am I to keep going? HELP ME!”, I cried out, with my hands stretched out in front of me.


Trusting God’s plan for our lives often looks different than what we expect.

My eyes shot open, and I stared with confusion. Quit my job? The job where I just received an increase of nearly $10k per year and promotion the week before? The job that was providing the necessities for my family and keeping a roof over their heads? THAT JOB, GOD?!

For a moment, I felt a little like Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice the son he had been waiting so long for. Confusion set in and I sat scratching my head for a long time.

Learning to Submit to God’s Authority

Trusting God’s plan for my life (or yours) is rarely as simple as it seems. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. It requires us to understand three things…

Who God Is

Yahweh, Rapha, Elohim, Shaddai, Jireh, Adonai….

These are just some of the many names of God, each reflecting a different aspect of His character and the way He interacts with us. But what do these names really mean for us in our daily lives? When we say that God is “Yahweh,” we are acknowledging Him as the self-existing, eternal One—unchanging and ever-present. When we call Him “Rapha,” we recognize Him as our Healer, the one who mends our broken hearts and bodies.

In Revelation 22:13, God declares, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” This means that God not only started everything but also holds it all together, guiding the course of history according to His perfect plan. When I was lying on the floor that day, feeling like my world was crumbling, it was this truth about who God is that gave me hope. The same God who spoke the universe into existence with a word, also spoke my life into being. He knows every detail of my journey, from start to finish, and I can trust Him to guide me through every season.

Imagine that for a moment…

The same God that felt it necessary to create the whole universe, the world, and everything in it also chose to make YOU. Not only did He create you, but He did so with purpose and intention. “The word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…” (Jeremiah 1:5). This means that your existence is not an accident—God planned for you, loved you, and set a path for your life even before you were born.

In that moment of my deepest grief, when God told me to quit my job, I questioned everything. But I had to remember who God is—the Creator, the Healer, the One who knows the end from the beginning. If He was asking me to take such a radical step, I had to believe it was part of His greater plan for my life.

Who God Says YOU Are

He loves you, plain and simple. If God knew you before He formed you in the womb, that means you are not just another face in the crowd—you are precious to Him, uniquely designed with care and purpose. In Deuteronomy 14:2, God tells us, “You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be His own special treasure.”

Think about that for a moment. Out of all the people in the world, God has chosen you as His treasure. Imagine the way you feel about a person you love deeply—whether it’s your child, your best friend, or your spouse. You cherish them, want the best for them, and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure their happiness and well-being. Now magnify that feeling by infinity, and you start to grasp how God feels about you.

During that season of intense grief and uncertainty, I had to constantly remind myself of this truth. If God sees me as His treasured possession, then surely He has good plans for me, even if they don’t make sense right now. When He told me to quit my job, it wasn’t out of neglect or indifference—He was guiding me toward something better, something aligned with the purpose He had set for me before I was even born.

Believing He is Working for Your Good

Understanding God’s Goodness

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

This verse is a cornerstone of our faith, but living it out can be challenging, especially when life takes unexpected turns. Understanding this requires us to take the time to reflect on what it truly means to trust in God’s plan, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

Embracing Childlike Trust

When God told me to quit my job, I was overwhelmed with doubt and fear. How could leaving behind the stability of a well-paying job be part of His plan for my good? Yet, this is where faith is tested and deepened. As I struggled to step out in faith, God showed me how this was really an invitation to trust Him in the same way I had trusted my early parents.

Think back to when you were a child, sitting in the backseat of your parents’ car…

You likely didn’t know where you were going most of the time, but that didn’t concern you. As a child, you trusted your parents implicitly, knowing they would take you where you needed to go. You weren’t preoccupied with directions, milestones, or maps—you simply enjoyed the ride, confident that your parents were in control. This childlike faith is what God asks from us when He calls us into this journey with Him.

Trusting God’s Perfect Timing

He is our Heavenly Father, and just like a parent, He is always working behind the scenes to ensure we are on the path that leads to His best for us. But unlike our earthly parents, God’s view is perfect—He sees the entire journey from start to finish. He knows where the detours are, the roadblocks, and even the scenic routes that will enrich our lives.

When He asked me to quit my job, I was faced with a choice: to cling to my own understanding or to trust in His. I had to believe that His instruction, though it seemed to lead to uncertainty, was actually guiding me toward a greater good that I couldn’t yet see. Trusting God’s plan for my life meant letting go of my own need for control and surrendering to His divine wisdom.

As humans, our natural instinct is to hold onto control, especially when the road ahead is unclear. But when we take the wheel, we often end up lost, anxious, and exhausted from trying to navigate life on our own. God, however, is patient and gracious. He allows us to steer, even when He knows we’re heading off course, because He knows that eventually, we’ll realize we need His direction.

Finding Peace in the Surrender

Trusting God’s timing is one of the hardest parts of faith. We live in a world that values instant gratification, but God often works in ways that are slower and more mysterious. When we surrender our will to Him, believing that He is indeed working all things together for our good, we begin to experience a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). It’s the kind of peace that doesn’t make sense in the world—a peace that reassures us even when our circumstances don’t.

During this period of my life, I had to remind myself constantly that God’s perspective is infinitely broader than mine. He sees the connections between events that I cannot, and He orchestrates everything with a loving hand. Whether I am facing uncertainty, financial strain, or fear of the unknown, I cling to the promise that God is at work, weaving together a future that was far better than anything I could plan for myself. Trusting God’s plan for my life means believing that even the most difficult moments we’re being used for a greater purpose.

Embracing God’s Unseen Goodness

And here’s the truth: God’s goodness doesn’t always look like what we expect. Sometimes it comes wrapped in challenges that shape our character, in detours that teach us dependence on Him, or in losses that make room for greater blessings. But in all of it, God is faithful. He is constantly at work, crafting a story for our lives that reflects His goodness and His glory.

So, if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t see how things will work out for your good, take heart. God is still in control. Trust that He is working behind the scenes, turning every detail into part of a beautiful tapestry that you’ll one day see in full. And in the meantime, let His peace fill your heart, knowing that He is a good Father who always keeps His promises.

Believing His Promises

A Lesson of Patience

If your childhood was anything like mine, Saturday mornings were sacred TV time. I’d eagerly tune in to “One Saturday Morning,” a three-hour marathon of my favorite cartoons, with toy ads cleverly sprinkled throughout.

Inevitably, those ads would spark my enthusiasm, and I’d find myself asking, “Mom, can I get the new My Little Pony set? It has a brush, clips, and EVERYTHING! Please, please, please!”

Sometimes, my mom would smile and say, “Yes, Dionna, you can get it. But you’ll have to be patient.”

God’s Unchanging Faithfulness

Although waiting wasn’t easy, I knew my mom always kept her word. If she said she would do something, she would. Just like my mother, God is faithful to keep His promises.

In Matthew 7:11, we are reminded of this truth: “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”

But how often have you found yourself wondering if God will keep His promises to you? If your answer is all the time, you’re not alone. Especially, when we’ve faced the disappointment of false promises from our earthly relationships, we often project those feelings onto God.

But we must hold onto the truth, “God is not a man, that He should lie..” (Numbers 23:19).

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)

The bible is full of verses that testify of God’s trustworthiness, and we can hang our hopes and desires on the unshakable foundation that God is who He says He is and He will do exactly what He says He will do.

Walking In Faith

As we hold onto the promises of God, we must remember that believing is only the beginning of the journey. Trusting God’s plan for our lives requires us to take action, even when it doesn’t make sense. This is truly where our faith begins – we are called to not only believe God’s promises but to also walk in them, day by day.

From Belief to Action

It took me nearly 2 months to step out in faith and do exactly what God had asked me on that fateful day.

With sweaty palms, I folded my resignation letter and tucked it into the back pocket of my jeans and walked towards my bosses door. Knock, knock.

I slowly pushed the door open and asked, “do you have a minute?”

Despite the anxiety that came from stepping out into the unknown and embarking on a journey with no clear roadmap, excitement crept in.

Stepping Out In Faith

For years, I had followed my own path, directing life according to my own plans. While I occasionally gave God a say, I had never truly surrendered my plans to Him. But now, He was calling me into something deeper – an invitation not only to step out in faith but to draw closer to Him in the process.

I know this journey won’t be easy, but I know it will be worth it because it’s not just about stepping out in faith; it’s about stepping into a deeper relationship with the One who knows the way.

And God is saying the same to you: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5)

As we navigate the difficulties and uncertainty of life, holding onto God’s promises are a must. Believing his promises is the first step, but walking in faith requires us to act on those promises, even when it feels so uncertain. Truly, the journey of faith, though difficult at times, leads us into a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of His plans for our lives.

Key Takeaways

Trusting God’s plan for our lives is often a challenging journey, but it is a journey that draws us closer to Him. As we face uncertainties and embrace God’s guidance, we can find peace in knowing that He is always at work for our good.

Remember that God is the Creator who knows every detail of our lives, the Healer who mends our brokenness, and the Father who guides us with perfect wisdom. Even when His plans seem unclear or difficult, He is working behind the scenes to craft a future that exceeds our expectations.

Just as I learned to trust God’s timing and embrace His guidance, you too can find strength in His promises. Allow His peace to fill your heart and trust that He is transforming every challenge into a stepping stone toward His greater purpose.

Embrace the Journey

So, as you face your own crossroads, remember that you are not alone. God is with you every step of the way, guiding you with His unwavering love and grace. Trust in His plan, lean on His promises, and step out in faith, knowing that He is turning every detail of your life into a beautiful testimony of His goodness.

Explore Further

To support you on your faith journey, check out these resources designed to help you align your life with God’s plan:

  • 30-Day Money Makeover – Ready to align your finances with God’s principles? Join us on a transformative 30-day journey to financial freedom!
  • Budget & Bill Planner – Take control of your finances with our planner and honor God with faithful stewardship!
  • Free Resources – Explore more free resources to guide you in your faith and financial journey.

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Step out with courage and faith, knowing that God is working all things together for your good.

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