Hey, Proverbs 31 Woman!

Have you been SET FREE from the bondage of sin + death, but are still struggling with poverty?

You are not alone!

Hey, Proverbs 31 Woman!

Have you been SET FREE from the bondage of sin + death, but are still struggling with poverty?

You are not alone!

God has so much more planned for you…

Stop living paycheck-to-paycheck, and learn how you can break the chains of poverty once and for all!

Strategies for Financial Freedom

How to Budget Your Money
Strategies for saving money
how to pay off debt

Growing in Christ

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what God says about

So many Christian’s are struggling with their money + don’t know why.

Are you feeling…

Frustrated because you know God never intended for you to struggle, but you don’t know how to get free…

Overwhelmed by the stress of not having enough money to live stress free….

Worried because you know that you have a big expense coming up, but you have no idea how you’re going to pay for it…

Tired of having to rely on credit cards or borrowing money to make ends meet…

Done with feeling embarrassed every time someone asks you to go out, but you can’t afford it…

Sad when you see another family in need, and wish that you could be the helping hand for once…

you are not alone!

Don’t You Know…

“If the Son has set you free, you will be free indeed.”
Mark 8:36

This isn’t just talking about the bondage of sin and death….

This is talking about ALL bondage…

Including poverty!

Here’s The Truth…

We serve a God of DELIVERANCE and FREEDOM!!

And if you’re not walking in that the fullness of that freedom, then there is something missing.

Imagine living in financial freedom and …

✨ Waking up knowing your bills are paid and kids are fed.

Your money not only lasting through the end of the month, but having enough to save for a rainy day.

✨ Being able to cover an emergency expense, no longer relying on credit cards or borrowing money to survive.

Being able to give generously when you see a family in need.

Feeling CONFIDENT in your money decisions and
building wealth for future generations.

Leaving a legacy of prosperity for your children instead of poverty.

And most importantly, KNOWING that you are living a life of financial freedom while stewarding your blessing in a way that pleases the Lord.

To whom much is given, much will be required”

(Luke 12:48)

God wants to bless you with financial freedom, but you must know how to steward it well.

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Hey Y’all

I’m Dionna Lee

I am a Christian Money Coach, entrepreneur, and mother of three amazing kiddos!

Empowering Christian Women to reach financial freedom by aligning with God and utilizing sound financial principles, is my passion!

With a unique blend of financial expertise and faith-based principles, my goal is to inspire you to take control of your finances and pursue your financial dreams with confidence and purpose.

“If the Son has set you free, you shall be free INDEED.“

Mark 8:36

Are you ready to learn how to step out of worry and step into the financial freedom that GOD has called you to?

Learn More About Faithful Fortunes

Faithful Fortunes, a Financial Coaching Company is dedicated to helping Christian women overcome their cycles of debt, poverty, and living paycheck-to-paycheck through several dedicated strategies.

Click each drop down for more information about our approach to Financial Coaching & Money Management.

A Christian Financial Coach (or Money Coach), is the same as a regular Financial Coach, but with a faith-filled twist. While some of the financial strategies we use may be similar, as Christians we know that God’s way is not our way. So, Christian Financial Coaching focuses heavily of what God’s Word says about money management, generosity, and building wealth.

To learn more, check out this article Money Management From A Biblical Perspective: Stewardship Matters

Financial Freedom is the lack of financial ties that hold you back from living the life you desire. This could look like several things, debt-free living, wealth building, traveling, or just being able to vacation when you want.

While financial freedom looks different for each individual, the one common factor is the ability to choose the life you desire. No more being stuck in stress inducing jobs because “it’s good money.” No more being a slave to your wallet. Instead, Faithful Fortunes focuses on creating financial freedom so that you can live the life God intended.

To learn more, check out this article How to Create Financial Freedom in 7 Easy Steps

Paying off debt is a wise and strategic move to create financial freedom in your life. The bible says “the borrower is slave to the lender.” (proverbs 22:7)

While there are many ways to payoff debt, the two most popular ones are the snowball method and the avalanche method. The snowball method is great if you are needing to build good financial habits step-by-step, while the avalanche method helps tackle the high-interest debt that grows month after month.

To learn more, check out this article Debt Snowball vs. Avalanche for Paying Off Debt: Which is right for me?

Saving money is a big topic in today’s economy. Saving money allows you to create the wiggle room to cover large emergency expenses without break the bank or falling further into debt. It also helps you plan for big purchases, or even reach goals such as starting a business or retiring early.

Whatever your reason for wanting to save more money, check out this article Top Saving Strategies to Save More Money Each Month

A Budget is a powerful financial tool that allows you to make a plan for your money. It gives you the ability to strategically plan ahead for large expenses, or make adjustments when unexpected situations come your way. And most importantly, it gives you a realistic view of what your money is doing and where it is going every month.

With an accurate budget, you can easily make a plan to get out of debt, build wealth, and reach your biggest financial goals.

To learn more, check out this article How To Create A Budget That Works

Ready to Transform Your Money + Future?